StatsCAN Plus

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Title Type Release date
You say tomato, we say statistics Databyte 2023-07-25
Lettuce have a look at some numbers Databyte 2023-07-20
Hot sun and summer fun Databyte 2023-07-18
Wholly green leaves Databyte 2023-07-13
Win (for) diesel: Moving the economy cheaper in 2023 Databyte 2023-07-07
Air conditioning: More Canadians keep cool, but costs heat up Databyte 2023-07-05
Art, music, pizza, pasta and so much more! Databyte 2023-06-27
Great Canadian Summer: St. John’s Databyte 2023-06-15
Great Canadian Summer: Îles de la Madeleine Databyte 2023-06-14
Rhubarb: A traditional medicinal vegetable now often paired with fruit Databyte 2023-06-12
Great Canadian Summer: Prince Edward County Databyte 2023-05-30
Great Canadian Summer: Muskoka Databyte 2023-05-26
Great Canadian Summer: Penticton Databyte 2023-05-25
Celebrating Vaisakhi in Canada Databyte 2023-04-14
Chag Pesach Same’ach! Passover in Canada Databyte 2023-04-05
No joke – here are some foolish numbers Databyte 2023-03-31
Canada and the United States: The numbers on a unique relationship Databyte 2023-03-21
Cigarette production, sales, smoking rates trending down Databyte 2023-03-17
Pie chart, π-chart: A slice of stats Databyte 2023-03-14
And the Oscar goes to…the recovering industry Databyte 2023-03-09
Holi Hai! On March 8, let’s celebrate the Festival of Colours! Databyte 2023-03-08
Winter wheat: The grain that grows beneath the snow Databyte 2023-03-01
Data to keep in the diaper bag Databyte 2023-02-15
International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust Databyte 2023-01-27
Before and After School Care in Canada Databyte 2023-01-26