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View a collection of educational resources created by Statistics Canada, including innovative materials, classroom-ready activities and interactive data visualization tools. Whether you are a student, an educator, a parent or just curious, there is something for everyone!
Resources for educators
Census educator toolkits

Discover fun, classroom-ready activities that will help you and your students relate to an important part of our Canadian heritage and gain a new perspective on your community.
Census at School

Take part in an international project that engages students aged 8 to 18 in learning about statistical enquiry and census taking.
Environmental Statistics: Teacher's Kits and Educational Resources

These educational resources provide instructors with innovative materials, lesson plans and case study assignments based on environmental statistics produced by Statistics Canada.
Resources for students
2016 Census app

Access data on people, dwellings, families, income and immigration with this dynamic tool. Compare national, provincial, territorial, census metropolitan areas and agglomerations and federal ridings.
By the numbers

Get fun facts about special occasions and events such as Back to school, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, etc.
Careers at Statistics Canada

Want to work at Statistics Canada? Explore our exciting career opportunities and learn why StatCan is such a great place to work!
Data literacy training

Learn to work effectively with data by discovering how to read, analyze, interpret, visualize and communicate data in order to make decisions in an ethical and responsible way.
Data Science Centre

In this rapidly-changing digital era, statistical agencies need to find innovative ways to harness the power of data. Statistics Canada is embracing the possibilities of data science to better serve the information needs of Canadians.
Data Visualization Products

Use these interactive visualization tools to view and analyze information. Interpret trends behind data on various social and economic topics.
Education, training and learning

View data, analysis and references about education, training and learning. Find information by subject or keyword.
Statistics: Power from Data!

Get the most from statistics with this long-standing online resource created to assist students and teachers.
Sustainable Development Goals Data Hub

Find official data for the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, 169 targets and 244 indicators.