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The Weekly Review, September 2 to 6, 2024
Statistics Canada's look at the week.
Travelling abroad through the summer
Travel and tourism
Many Canadians take advantage of the warm weather to take summer vacation and get some travelling in. Whether it’s a flight abroad or a road trip closer to home, summer is a great time to get out and explore the world around us.
Canadian bacon, eh!
Agriculture and food
September 7 is International Bacon Day, a day to celebrate the sizzling, smoky, salty, crispy slice of heaven. Canadian hog producers reported just under 14.0 million hogs on their farms on July 1, 2024. When given time to fatten up, these hogs have the potential to make 220.4 million 500-gram packages of bacon.
Retirement? Mortgage balance, interest rates, higher consumer prices among factors to consider
Older adults and population aging
It’s the Tuesday after Labour Day, the unofficial return to work and routine for many Canadians following summer holidays. For others, leaving the workforce for retirement might be on the horizon. And it begs the questions—how many Canadians are of retirement age, when could they punch out for good, and who can afford to do so?
The Weekly Review, August 26 to 30, 2024
Statistics Canada's look at the week.
Celebrating Labour Day: A snapshot of Canadian workers
Labour Day in Canada has been celebrated since the late 19th century. Since then, Canada’s workforce has grown to just under 21.3 million labourers in 2023.
Canadians care: How willing and able are Canadians to help those with a life-limiting illness
The Canadian population is aging. In 2021, Canadian seniors (65 years and older) constituted almost one-fifth (19%) of the overall population. In addition, the number of people living with life-limiting illnesses, including cancer, is increasing.
Vacations for persons with disabilities could still include everyday barriers to accessibility
For Canadians with a disability, going on vacation unfortunately might not mean getting away from barriers to accessibility that they may face in their everyday lives. The 2022 CSD surveyed Canadians with a disability on 27 types of barriers.
Where do young college and CEGEP certificate and diploma holders work following graduation?
Education, training and learning
Colleges across Canada and CEGEPs in Quebec will soon be welcoming students for the fall semester. A recent study looks at where college and CEGEP certificate and diploma holders aged 25 to 34 were working at the time of the 2021 Census of Population.
The Weekly Review, August 19 to 23, 2024
Statistics Canada's look at the week.